Currently On The Loom: Taqueté Scarves
Lately I've been into weaving scarves with a structure called taqueté. I'm finding it's a great way to both highlight and experiment with the different painted warps I've been making. I haven't decided if I like the looser 16 ends per inch or the denser 20 ends per inch. Since I'm not changing the amount of threads I use, the looser weave scarves are also wider, almost like a shawl.
I like the sculptural play of a scarf, wrapping and draping it in different ways. I tend to like wider shaw-like scarves; I find it comforting to wrap up in something almost like a blanket.
I'm working on finding places to sell these scarves. Currently there are a couple available at Juniper Gallery in Spencer, IN. In the near future you will also find them in Maryville, Missouri at the White Elm Mercantile, and at an upcoming pop-up gallery in Nashville, IN (more details when I have them!)
Want to commission a scarf? Shoot me an e-mail and let me know what you're looking for!
Is long fringe or short fringe better? Personally, I like it both ways! So I do it both ways. Some scarves have long, twisted fringe; other scarves have short, knotted fringe.

Scarves woven with a Mardi Gras hand-painted warp,
with Very Berry and Black in the warp.
Weft is entirely woven in Black.

Scarves woven with Indiana Sunset hand-painted warp,
with Amethyst and Black in the warp.
Weft is entirely woven in Black.